Thursday, December 10, 2009

12 disciples of JESUS

Andrew - Originally a disciple of John the Baptist. He led his brother Simon to Christ)

Simon Peter (Andrew’s brother) - Rock of the church. A fisherman, Denied Jesus after the crucifixion.)

James (son of Zebedee) - Also a fisherman. A strong person who insisted that Christ’s followers “walk the talk.”

John (son of Zebedee) - Also a fisherman. A strong person who cared for Jesus’ mother and stressed grace.

Phillip - Andrew’s close friend, also a fisherman. He led Barttholomew to Christ.

Bartholomew (Nathanael) - Questioning at first, but accepted Jesus of Nazareth. Loyal.

Matthew (Levi)- Once a despised tax collector, he changed his profession and followed Jesus. Wrote the Gospel of Matthew.

Thomas - Doubted the resurrection. Was willing to risk his own life for Jesus.

James (Alpheus’ son) - Mentioned in Gospel accounts.

Thaddeus (James’ son) - A real follower and preacher of Christ.

Simon - Known as a zealot or patriot. He saw the vision.

Judas Iscariot - Ultimate betrayer of Jesus, who kept the money for the group.

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